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Health Care 17th March 25 15

POS Machines Selling at a Great Pace

The moment demonetisation came into existence, there came a big change in the trading industry. Since people had no cash and getting change for Rs. 2000 notes was a difficult job, a vast number of traders bought Point of Sale machines in a bulk and brought their businesses back on track. However, the scenario did not remain limited to that period. It opened the eyes of traders as well as customers while making them feel how important it is to turn economy into cashless one.

From small entrepreneurs to every big retailer, restaurants to photo studios, POS systems got distributed in every corner of the industry. These POS machines empowered the businesses after facilitating their customers with card swiping facility.

Today, there is a ten-fold increase in the number of POS machines selling on daily basis. And why not be, when a single machine is making transactions easier for traders as well as customers.

People are getting aware and contributing a lot in boosting up the idea of cashless economy.

Uprow conducted a research recently and observed that scarcity of cash in the aftermath of demonetisation led to a great surge in the digital payment demands. Where our consultants used to get a two or three orders for digital payment infrastructure in a day, the number mounted up to 20 pieces of POS machine sales daily. Now, you can well imagine how drastic change came in the sale of POS machines. The infrastructure literally started selling off like a hot cake. Today, the consultants attend to around 60 relevant enquiries over phone which used to be very less prior to demonetization.

Believe it or not, this move has changed the financial transaction picture of the nation exponentially. Although population had to suffer problems during that period, but the fruits this seed is bearing are undoubtedly sweet.

These technologies did exist earlier as well, but most of the crowd wasn’t aware about these systems and software’s. And the ones who were aware were not interested to invest in for one reason or the other. But now when they know it is hard to compete in this digital market without such technical facilities for customers, they did not think for a second in installing POS machines. And, the transformation needs no explanation!

Be the next you to get it installed on at your store. Afterall your customer satisfaction is what gives a repetitive call to step in again.



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Dec 16, 2014

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Dec 16, 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


Dec 16, 2014

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


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